The VIIIth ICCP (2004)

    Address of the VIIIth ICCP's Organizing Committee: Donskaya street, 37, DNTTM, room 308, Russian Federation, Moscow.

     Phone: +7(095)-237-3003.







organizing committee


(russian version)


N.A.Morozov (taken from site:


The Eighth International Conference

on Civilization Problems


Project CIVILIZATION announces the VIIIth International Conference on Civilization Problems. The Conference will be held on May 21-23, 2004, in the course of the Jubilee Readings dedicated to the 150th anniversary of N.A.Morozov.

In the organization of the Readings, the following members take part: State Duma of RF, Russian Academy of Sciences, RAS Institute of biology of inland water, N.A.Morozov's Memorial House, Russian State University of Trade and Economics, XXI Century's Society of Worldology, Project CIVILIZATION, Project "Unknown Planet", Minor Academy of Sciences, Chemistry Sector of the Palace of Youth Scientific and Technical Creative Work.

Preliminary program of arrangements

May 21, Friday

Jubilee day for paying tribute to N.A.Morozov on his 150th birth anniversary. We expect speeches by State Duma's vice-speaker S.N.Baburin, corresponding member of RAS M.M.Postnikov, S.I.Valyanskiy, V.B.Biryukov, I.V.Davidenko.

May 22, Saturday

Plenary session day of the regularly scheduled, eighth by number, International Conference on Civilization Problems (under the Project CIVILIZATION's patronage). In the morning, the lectures of guests and participants of Project CIVILIZATION will be given. In the afternoon, round-table discussion will be organized on the problems of civilization, with the participation of the first day's speakers.

May 23, Sunday

Sessions, discussions, the Conference's closing (on the river ship probably).

Address of the VIIIth ICCP's Organizing Committee: Donskaya street, 37, DNTTM, room 308, Russian Federation, Moscow. Phone: +7(095)-237-3003.

Application for participation should be submitted by e-mail to
Thesis of oral and poster presentations should be submitted by e-mail to

Participation is free of charge, transport and hotel fees are on the guest's own expense.

Details about the place of the Morozov Readings, their program and schedule will be announced later.

All the materials are intended to be published in the electronic form at the website and on paper in the coming issues of Project CIVILIZATION's Almanac.